Dr. Dennis Weinstein, from Innate Chiropractic Center in Lansing, and his dog Hienz won the Run for the Animals 5k in Grand Ledge Michigan. Their finishing time was 20 minutes and led the entire race from the beginning. Dr. Dennis contributes and supports the Humane Society’s national organization, donating hundreds of dollars each year. The Run and Walk for the Animals is Lansing’s largest fundraiser and its proceeds benefit the 6,000 animals that they care for. They raised over $70,000 on race day. The shelter relies on the generosity of donors to help provide love, food, shelter and medical care to homeless and abandoned animals.
Get Balanced Solutions
The brain and spinal nerves communicate position sense and balanced equilibrium. Nerve interference cause unequal weight distribution, disharmony and stress to the body, muscles and joints. There two things that happen when you have a bone out of place in the spine. First, when the bone is out of place and twists the spine, it pinches the nerve. That doesn’t cause pain. It causes weakness. You have an energy, brain waves, that flow from above down, inside out, that comes from your brain through the spinal cord. If you’re choking off that nerve flow, whatever that nerve is going to will be weakened. The other thing that happens is that when the bone is out of place, it’s like having the front end of your car misaligned; the tires or axle wears out.
Your Chiropractor in Lansing, Michigan
Hello Lansing!
Dr. Dennis Weinstein and the staff of Innate Chiropractic Center welcome you to our chiropractic blog.
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Dr. Jeff Spencer Gives Chiropractic Care to Dr. Dennis Weinstein of Lansing

What does it take to win the Tour? Answer…everything you got, and more. It encompasses every aspect one faces in life in one short period of time. The ups and downs, the trials and tribulations are all there. If one is mentally prepared and did all there homework, then it becomes that much easier to reach the pinnacle of all athletic endeavors. Dr. Jeff Spencer is on “Tour” to spread the message to all chiropractors here in Michigan and in all parts of the country. His experiences and his success strategy are inspiring and uplifting. If you want information about Dr. Jeff, please search for him on Google or at www.jeffspencer.com
Good Nutrition For A Healthy Life
To maximize weight loss and exercise goals, you need to avoid crash diets and overly aggressive exercise programs. Small, simple changes have a more lasting effect. For instance, instead of going on a food fast or severe calorie deprivation diet, make a pledge to have smarter food choices by eating healthier foods. Start reading food packaging labels. Labels are the key to weight loss and proper nutrition. From labels, you gain the knowledge of which foods are high calorie and which ones have too much fat or carbohydrates (sugar). More importantly, you can study the ingredients of food products so that you can avoid certain health and weight loss sabotaging components. You can exclude potentially harmful ingredients like high sodium levels, corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and colors and hydrogenated oils from your diet when you read labels. As far as an exercise program is concerned, instead of stressing yourself out over finding the time for a two-hour gym workout each day of the week, try starting out with three to four 30-minute walks per week. Walking on a treadmill at the gym or outdoors is one of the best all-round exercises. Studies have shown that walkers are 50% healthier than non-exercisers. Once you make a walking routine an integral part of your week, it is then much easier to branch out into other forms of exercise, like circuit training or aerobics classes. The bottom line is that if you start making changes slowly and ease into a healthy lifestyle, the more likely your goals will take root and become a part of your life.