When we talk about chiropractic and the particular lifestyle a chiropractor in Lansing, Michigan would recommend, proper nutrition is often mentioned. Fresh fruits and vegetables are keys to any successful diet. The Acai berry, grown in the Brazilian rainforest, is the “in” ingredient and exotic flavor that’s sweeping the country. The question is why? When poured, its deep purple in color and it’s that rich color that holds all the antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are substances or nutrients which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products) which can cause damage. Antioxidants act as “free radical scavengers” and thus prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals. The acai berry is super high in antioxidants and all the other stuff that promotes health. They even says its anti-mutagenic which means, everybody is getting DNA damage everyday because of radiation and oxidative stress and there’s a lot of evidence that the berries like this can really help prevent that damage which can eventually prevent many problems such as neck pain and back pain. These types of symptoms could be caused by biochemical stress such as bad nutrition or physical stress.
High Technology and The Modern Day Chiropractic Office
In my 12 years as a chiropractor, and owner of Innate Chiropractic Center in Lansing, Michigan , I have seen many challenges dealt to the field of chiropractic. I am constantly improving myself to meet and exceed these challenges. First, it really means crystal clarity of my objective. What is the clear goal that I have for every patient who comes through my doors? I have set up practice procedures that are consistent with these clear goals and objectives. They are robust especially when it comes to patient education. I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
Because I have confidence, certainty and credibility, I am an Insight owner. The Insight is Space Certified by the Space Foundation – a non-profit organization co-founded by NASA. It received this certification because it has been used in NASA’s space program. It is also used in the locker rooms of world champion sports teams. I am accurately measuring the effects of lifestyle stress on the nervous system and overall health and can also measure a patient’s response to care and document and demonstrate it. The need for a high degree of confidence, certainty and credibility is very well handled by the Insight technology.
The Brain
Although comprising only 2.5% of the body’s weight, the brain requires one fifth of all the energy produced by the body, and 9 gallons of blood every hour. Thousands of electrical impulses per second travel at speeds of 300 feet per second to connect our inner and outer worlds. Innate intelligence uses this vast communication network, coordinating and harmonizing the organs to create a living, adapting, healthy being. Innate is a person’s natural recuperative, self regulating and creative power.
Dr. Dennis Walk / Run For Health and Wellness
Innate Chiropractic practice members are welcome to join me each and every Tuesday morning so that we can all be in better shape, to make new friends, and maybe just run or walk for better fitness! Some of us are just starting an exercise program; others have been exercising for a while. But regardless of the specifics, we all share one common goal – to have fun.
This is a non-intimidating environment, and I really do motivate people to get fit and have fun.
The general format of Run/Walk for Wellness is as follows:
- An organized training run or walk each Tuesday morning with a group of runners or walkers whose training pace is similar to yours.
- A short 15-20 minute seminar on injury prevention, stretching, nutrition or other topics related to distance training each Tuesday to help you learn the fundamentals of successfully improving your fitness. The seminars will be held prior to our run or walk.
Dr. Dennis’ Run/Walk for Wellness works because it follows the successful format of the USA Fit program which has been refined and improved since it began in 1989. The USA Fit programs have improved the health, fitness and wellness of thousands of people each year throughout the USA, Canada and around the world. Dr. Dennis is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as an Exercise Leader. Come out and join us and see for yourself right here in Lansing, Michigan.
Tuesday’s at 7:00 AM. Please meet me at the 7-11 on Jolly and Aurelius.
Practice Perfect Posture
Your excellent posture gives you energy and stamina for improving the quality of your life. Yoga teachers emphasize that it is impossible to make a healthful impression without perfect posture. Posture expresses to others “who you are” and shapes the function and structure of the nerve energy lifeline that is your spine. Research has shown posture to significantly affect the mental, structural, and chemical balance of the body and its organs. Posturally speaking standing is fundamental. It is the training and proving ground for a strong, healthy life from a well-balanced stress-free spine.