Dr. Dennis Weinstein, from Innate Chiropractic Center in Lansing, and his dog Hienz won the Run for the Animals 5k in Grand Ledge Michigan. Their finishing time was 20 minutes and led the entire race from the beginning. Dr. Dennis contributes and supports the Humane Society’s national organization, donating hundreds of dollars each year. The Run and Walk for the Animals is Lansing’s largest fundraiser and its proceeds benefit the 6,000 animals that they care for. They raised over $70,000 on race day. The shelter relies on the generosity of donors to help provide love, food, shelter and medical care to homeless and abandoned animals.
Your Chiropractor in Lansing, Michigan
Hello Lansing!
Dr. Dennis Weinstein and the staff of Innate Chiropractic Center welcome you to our chiropractic blog.
The purpose of this blog is to share tips and information with you.
If you are not a patient, please go to our website and check out our “New Patient Specials” or visit us any time at our Lansing, MI office at 7045 S. Cedar Street, Suite 1
Please check back regularly for health tips & the latest chiropractic news!
Dr. Jeff Spencer Gives Chiropractic Care to Dr. Dennis Weinstein of Lansing

What does it take to win the Tour? Answer…everything you got, and more. It encompasses every aspect one faces in life in one short period of time. The ups and downs, the trials and tribulations are all there. If one is mentally prepared and did all there homework, then it becomes that much easier to reach the pinnacle of all athletic endeavors. Dr. Jeff Spencer is on “Tour” to spread the message to all chiropractors here in Michigan and in all parts of the country. His experiences and his success strategy are inspiring and uplifting. If you want information about Dr. Jeff, please search for him on Google or at www.jeffspencer.com
Lansing / Holt Doctor Dennis Weinstein at Innate Chiropractic Finds Solutions
We don’t have any problems. We have the solution. What does that mean to you? At Innate Chiropractic Center in Lansing Michigan, Dr. Dennis Weinstein and his staff will help you come up with a strategy to handle life’s stessors. Subluxation, or nerve interference can be best described like having static on your cell phone, the signal can’t get through. Nerve flow can’t get through. But, what causes subluxation? Good Question. Stress from life. It can be physical stress from your posture, accidents, injuries, trauma, etc. From Biochemical stress from the foods you eat or the chemicals in the air. Mental or emotional stress from work, home, family, bills, mortgage payment, school, kids. So, it would only make sense, if we were to try and handle the stress from life or minimize it the best we can, your body would be able to function better and perform properly.
Moving Forward
“We are facing some extremely challenging times. Advice from experts can give us insight into what direction we should take. Tell us your story of how you had to overcome to become the person you are today. We all need to be inspired with positive words.” -Dr. Dennis Weinstein, Chiropractor in Lansing